Notable for the organization and implementation of impactful schemes and conferences geared towards giving African media,music, economic and business, religion, health and other sectors a good reason for It’s stakeholders to do even more so as to make sub-saharan Africa a better place to live, AS Promotions; a distinguished media front best known for the aforementioned prestigious endeavors after successfully executing many of what it has to it’s attributes is here with yet another great one to recognize and celebrate the few taking higher steps in economizing talents and skills on the African continent.
The Center For Africa Corporate Business Honors And Expo has taken twist and turns to polish it’s execution from launching down to nominees vetting and announcement and now the main night is here.
AS Promotions has hinted that, the great night has been scheduled for the 21st Of July,2023 at the premises of Miklin Hotel at East Legon in the capital Accra.
Show will start with a glamorous red carpet session at exactly 7pm followed by main night of honors at 7:30pm.
For more enquires call telephone 0278995433 or follow scheme’s official IG page via @africacopbusinesshonord_23.