Across time and space in the lives of people, relaxation in escort with education and fun has become one of the very basic necessities of existence and a spice that can’t be neglected.
Network groups and associations in different forms embark on a lot of socialization dubbed gatherings,tours,excursions and more for educational purposes as well as for relaxation and comfort.
Upon the very lot that is being witnessed, one of Ghana’s leading tour companies popularly known as PapNic Tours has hinted on another power and fun packed tour to the Treasure Islands and this promises to be one with great adventures and experiences that has never been felt before.
For as cheap as Ghc 370, attendants are assured of maximum security,transportation,boat transfer to the island,refreshment and lunch,swimming pool,horse riding as well as music,games and all other forms of entertainment.
PapNic tours have scheduled this good day for the 30th of October 2021 and interested people are urged to make all enquiries and reservations via telephone number 0245342497 or 0245827986.