The Administrative body of the well accustomed and popular HS Kreation Fashion School has hinted on the progression of admissions for the 2021 academic year. The school that has being in existence for years now has over time since its establishment breeded world class fashion designers and moguls that has won the applause of the masses across time and space.

HS Kreation Fashion School has a great boast of training both genders regardless their age and class as the school’s vision highly supports equality.
Aside what’s properly identified when Fashion is mentioned that is outfit designs and sewing, the school has special trainings for seasonal beads making lessons as well as dummy making and all other forms of fashion accessories.

HS Kreation Fashion School has its head office at Mallam Gbawe just on the flower junction.

Visit for more information or contact head principal for more information on telephone 0240445983/0299998584/0268921474.
Visit their official social media pages @hskreationdesign or head principal @serwaaakotey.