Extending the art of goodness and kindness long enough to reach the needy and less privileged across time and space has being a major evidence of care and love for humanity. In the generational era which we find ourselves in, there is a choice to make it but then it has as well become a must for reasons based on the fact that, saving others has meant saving ourselves.
Ghana as a country for very long time now has seen a lot of charitable organizations come and go with their own set of inspirations and humanitarian impact and this is yet another mighty one built on a solid rock of love and zeal to put smiles on the faces of those who need it the most.
Jusban Foundation; a very new of its kind is set to take humanity on a very different trend and the official launch has been scheduled for the 3rd of July 2021 (Saturday) at the prestigious premises of Airport View Hotel in the heart of Accra at exactly 8am.
In a pre-interactive session with the founder of this very one, Mr Justice made it known upon being asked the very mission of the yet to be launched foundation that, the Jusban Foundation is a charitable organization that has been rolled out to specialize in the care for the aged, needy and physically challenged across Africa especially in rural areas.
In no particular order the likes of Miss Deborah Oduro,John Dumelo,Dr Obed Duku,Dr Bernard Taylor,Gifty Anti And Mama Francisca Duncan Williams have been named as guest speakers for that good day.

For more information on this particular development, reach out to Jusban Foundation via email @ JusBanFoundation@gmail.com or visit their website at www.JusBanFoundation.com. Telephone 0240373283 / 0241030325 are also available to speak to executives.
Join the launch!!!