Veteran Ghanaian media and music mogul Akosua Agyapong has revealed much into what she had to deal with in her early days of wanting to venture into music and how her mother stood against such decision.
In an interview monitored by UrsTruly Praiz News, Akosua made it known that, the bigger part of her mum’s decision to prevent her from venturing into music was the fact that, she thought she would be influenced by vices of the music industry like alcoholism and rascalities adding that, her mother had to accompany her to shows just to make sure she did not engage in any sort of immoralities along her music course.
Along her delivery, she said “Mothers are proud when you do the right thing; when you don’t disgrace them. My mum would say no because she thought those days if you were a musician you would be engaged in drinking, maybe doing things that are not good”.
Akosua Agyapong
she loudest that, she could not be influenced, and that whatever an artist engages in depends on how they are brought up and how well their management handles them.
“On very fair grounds, she made it known that, sometimes it is not the fault of most of the musicians that they start sniffing drugs and all that as it is about how come is introduced into the system.
In this regard, the “Frema” hitmaker recounted an instance at the early stage of her music career saying she went to perform at the national theatre and while at the backstage, some of the crew members tried to convince her to take in alcohol but she declined.
The great talent took time out to caution youngsters to avoid influences that has to do with drug intake and alcoholism.
“What you start with, if you are not strong, you’ll end with it. And this is what I want people to know. You should not listen to people that will give you negative things that will spoil your future. Now we are having problems because somebody is introduced to something negatively and now it is affecting their future,” she said.
Watch full interview via the link below: