Charles Telus and The Boy Cherub
This very young king came on set with a script of over 250 pages and missed no line. We (the cast and crew) were all marveled by his craft, level of understanding and how well he articulated his character. Though he was progressing as a young actor, he always had this exceptional desire to learn and be better.
He left home for more than 45 days so as to work on @addisonstvseries .
Charles Telus and The Boy Cherub
On several occasions, he slept after 12am, yet was awake by 7am in order to prepare for a new day’s shoot. My young king at age ten(10) then broke down at some point where the director @thatguycalledkyeibaffour and PM @dzidzienyoevans had to give him some days off from shoot. After a day of rest, my king was back on his feet stronger and refined.He didn’t bring to the “The Addisons” table, “HE WAS ACTUALLY THE ADDISONS TABLE”. He deserves your applause.
Not to leverage on empathy nor feed on your emotions but he is worth your support. He is a million reasons why you have to watch “The Addisons Tv Series”.
@theboycherub ❤️ I love and respect you greatly😊❤️🙏🏿.
@charlestelus (@kofiaddisongh) writes✍🏿