Concerned student body as well as others who should have completed by now but still has an unfinished business with the University of Ghana has flooded several social media platforms with grief and serious concerns amidst the university’s order for students to report to legon campus just to sit for their supplementary examination starting from the 1st of August 2020.
Earlier today, a mass email was sent to students of the university with regards to the 2019/2020 academic year supplementary resit and the very communique suggest that students will have to report to their various mandated centers on the legon campus to write the examination even though it remains an online thing.
Part of the communique reads as follows:
Ref. No.:……….16th July, 2020
As a follow up to my earlier notice, and following approval by Senior Management, the proposed Supplementary Re-sit Examinations for first semester courses has been rescheduled. The Examinations will start on August 1st, 2020.
Affected students must note the following:
- The Examinations will be carried out on-line.
All the online Examinations will take place onsite, in identified laboratories on the Legon Campus, at the proposed times per the Re-sit Examinations Timetable to issue soon.
- Students who may need accommodation to enable them to write their re-sit examinations may apply directly to the traditional Halls
- Students must ensure they report to the identified Examination Centres only for courses they have registered for.
- No student will be admitted to any examination for a course s/he has not registered for.
- For identification purposes, students without a valid University of Ghana student identity card will NOT be admitted to any examination venue.
- All students are informed of the ‘No Mask No Entry’ position of all Units within the University.
- P. O. Box LG 25, Legon, Accra, Ghana. • Telephone: +233 (0) 302 500 381 / 500 430 / 500 149
- Email: academic@ug.edu.gh; admissions@ug.edu.gh • Website: www.ug.edu.gh
The Supplementary Re-sit Examinations are open to ALL Students (Regular and Distance Education) and any other students who should have completed their programmes between the 2015/16 to 2018/19 academic years but needing to write Supplementary Re-sit Examinations for 1st Semester Courses only.
Students with any issues must contact their respective College Academic Officers.“
The concerns being raised by students has to do with several issues of which some include the fact that, it will be very unnecessary for students to travel very long distances amidst the risk of contracting the deadly corona virus just to sit for a single paper and of course a supplementary resit.
Students in this regard see no basic differences in the regular examination written at the end of every semester as well as that of the supplementary resit and so do not known why in as much as the supplementary will be written online, it has to be done onsite thus on campus while the regular end of semester was written online but in the comfort of the homes of students.
As at now, several whatsapp groups have been created by students to address this issue and so affected students are therefore calling on the University’s SRC as well as all other concerned bodies to stand in and defend this course and protest as the affected students are ready to boycott the examination by choosing their lives and health over the risk this movement of onsite examination comes with.
Source: https://www.urstrulypraiznews.com/