Mistakes that could be avoided are actually not deemed mistakes but deliberate actions… @utvghana knowing very well it could be much of such messed up more moments with @officiallilwin and @therealfunnyface should have gone off on this edition as soon as they realized this interview was going to be a tough one.. It is a good thing to help solve issues of these industry players but this move was wrong in my opinion for this is a national television….it is a disgrace to see mentors saying “aboa” and “Kwasia” in such mood live on air.
Now to @therealfunnyface ,I don’t know the level of emotional stress he has been through on his claims that Lilwin caused part of it but then his actions on @utvghana was uncalled for… Attacking your fellow upon sight was too bad for a person like that who happens to be the masses favorite… I think @therealfunnyface should watch his temper and how he attacks issues… Throwing a punch is a total disgrace to such a huge brand like @therealfunnyface ….
@officiallilwin on the other side doesn’t take anything serious until the moment calls for being serious.. in as much as he takes his time and is patient on anything the fact that his actions are provoking is very bad.. @therealfunnyface is somehow emotional when it comes to stuff like this and gets pissed too early.. Lilwin knowing this and wanting to act professional on tv should have just kept quite and allow Bulldog take care of the strength and rush of FunnyFace and not retaliate at the end if it all….
Let’s not be happy that our showbiz industry has this kinda energy… Instead of the unnecessary fight bringing this heat into the industry. Our players could do something more meaningful and supportive for the betterment of the whole nation….. Social Media users should step up their games and support good initiatives and talents of our players with the same energy they put in sharing these unnecessary fights which will only reduce the value of our own people…
– UrsTruly Praiz 🦅🇬ðŸ‡-