It has come to a moment in the lives of the global people where fear has gripped many as a result of an unprecedented happening forcing every country to look no further than to God.
The corona pandemic for few months now has taken absolute control over the world which in turn is ushering mighty people and nations to retrogress in terms of economic and financial comfort and sad enough rendering the less privileged and the poor even more vulnerable to the virus and all it associated effects.
At this very point is where “Minister Apau’s Foundation of giving hope” has found it more necessary to pursue the kingdom business that is going about the demands of the holy scriptures and supporting the very people who need help the most as the book of James chapter 1 verse 27 states clearly that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world“
There is a choice to make it but the founder of Magho foundation finds it a very important thing to do as he has come to an understanding that there is the need to avoid any life from being wasted through hanger and suffering.
After a loving and kind gestures towards orphans in Ghana, the Minister in escort with his team has done it again in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Sending in relief items which included food,toiletries and many others, Mr William Apau and his Magho team did very little things with great love.
Enjoy excepts from the donation in Nigeria below:
Follow the foundation’s official instagram page for more @ministerapaufoundation and its official blogger @kobbmenz
Story: UrsTruly Praiz #TheBloggerWithScars