4 Ghanaian start-ups have been selected to undergo a mentorship bootcamp, meet investors as
well as potential business partners to help grow and scale their businesses this June at the
annual Hub Africa event in Morocco.
They were selected out of hundreds of applications which saw the selection of 12 projects
who were presented to a jury; the jury then selected these four out of the 12 finalists. The
competition AFRICAN PITCH ROADSHOW, which was organized on the 29th of February
2020 by Impact Global Network as an ambassador of Hub Africa offers project leaders,
startupers and young entrepreneurs, the opportunity to present their business project before a
jury composed of business leaders.

The Exec. Director of Impact Global Network, Mr. Daniel Sarpong Jnr congratulated the jury
for doing a great job by choosing these top 4 finalists who had amazing projects; the four
winners among the selected at the stage of ACCRA (Ghana) were
- Elizabeth Yawa Amazu of URU GH
- Rhema Mawuli Benjamin of SOW INNOVATE GH
- Alfred Quaynor of AGRODRONES &
- Felix Appiah of TRISOLACE
These lucky winners will also participate in the PITCH Final, during the 8th edition of the
African Pitch Roadshow, scheduled for June 10 & 11 in Casablanca, upon “ CFTA
(Continental Free trade Area), an accelerator of the development of African companies”.
The winners were chosen by a jury composed of:
- Ashish Gokaldes, CEO Gokals Cosmeceuticals;
- Aaya Kalmoni, Marketing Executive Silver Star Auto Ltd;
- Blessed Agyemang, Image & Brand Consultant Herrada Africa Group;
- Marian Tatumi, Programs Cordinator Social Enterprise;
- Albert Prempeh Kusi, MD HMI Management Services Ltd.
The AFRICAN PITCH ROADSHOW also offers project-promoters the opportunity to meet
potential investors and have a first written feedback, taking the strengths / weaknesses of the
project with the recommendations of the jury. The projects selected by the jury will have the opportunity to publish their projects on HUB AFRICA’s Crowdfunding partner platform, and - will also benefit from the best advice in the development of their company.
- The President of Hub Africa Mr. Alioune Gueye, who joined the event this year in ACCRA,
- remarked that the event was very competitive and interesting such that the jury had no option
- than to choose 4 winners instead of 3. Mr. Alioune Gueye was also surprised with a special
- presentation of a rare nail-art created by one of the winners from 2019, Mr. Theophilus
- Agyekum Sarpong; he was awed by this gesture of appreciation.

The Exe. Dir of Impact Global Network, Mr. Daniel Sarpong hinted on a Ghana-Morocco
Business Trip in June to give an opportunity for Ghanaian businesses and start-ups to connect,
explore and discuss business opportunities with potential partners and investors in and out of